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navbar-fixed-top 样式不生效 ``` ``` boostrap的置顶,v4.1.4是可以的,升级到v4.1.6就不行了。 我直接表单里引入 这样又可以,是不是被什么样式覆盖了,目前无法找到什么样式覆盖了。
flatten() # top_k = vals.argsort()[-1:-6:-1] # print("======== top5 inference results: =============") # for j in top_k: # print("[%d]:
version: 1.8 ### Describe the current behavior if the name of a top-level column in a Hive transactional table was changed, a subsequent
prune01111.trie.klm mean_std_path: models/baidu_en8k/mean_std.npz model_path: models/baidu_en8k/params.tar.gz num_alphas: 25 num_batches:
img[d.top()+i][d.left()+j] # cv2.imshow("face_"+str(k+1), img_blank) # 存在本地 print("Save to:", path_save+"img_face_"+str(k+1)+".jpg")
training, depths, ks): n = int((depths - 4) / 6) k = ks wide = [16, 16 * k, 32 * k, 64 * k] net= tf.layers.conv2d(image_batch, filters=wide[0]
auto;position: relative; top:0px;height: 50px;left: 0px;font-weight: bolder;} #tc{margin:0 auto;position: relative; top:0px;height: 50px;left:
csv') htmlname = os.listdir("img/") c = [] for k in htmlname: c.append(k) #水属性宝可梦的HP Top10 pphp = [] df_goblin = df.loc[(df['属性1'] ==
只选取neg,pos的70%损失 loss = loss * valid_inds loss, _ = tf.nn.top_k(loss, k=keep_num) return tf.reduce_mean(loss) ``` 我用PaddlePaddle大概复现了一下,逻辑也不知道对不对的。
{ "title": "XIN.", "avatar": "https://thirdqq.qlogo.cn/g?b=sdk&k=zzZgEDkUOXZXFbcNYLb0iaA&s=100&t=1589040609", "screenshot": "https://7

