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PopupItem("Right", Placement.Right, false), new PopupItem("Top", Placement.Top, false), new PopupItem("Bottom", Placement.Bottom, false)
c_frame_layer m_frame_layers[Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX];//Top layber fb always be 0 typedef enum { Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0,//view/wave/page Z_ORDER_LEVEL_1
PopupItem("Right", Placement.Right, false), new PopupItem("Top", Placement.Top, false), new PopupItem("Bottom", Placement.Bottom, false)
- CNN + RNN(GRU) + Attention model. ### SE-ResNeXt 152 **The top-1 error on ImageNet 2012 dataset must less than 18.2%**. TODOs:
sdk_phone64_riscv64 // 最终也要支持 aosp_riscv64-eng mmm bionic ..... // 能支持构建成功的越多越好 m -j ``` 在代码上基线上我们会尽量向 RVI upstream 靠拢,即采用 android-12.0.0_r2。但目前还做的几个仓库
输出精度达标的预训练模型 |Input Size |Depth Multiplier|Top-1 Acc|Top-5 Acc|Parameters(M) |Multi-Adds (M) | |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |224 |1.4
30vp; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -15vp; top: 50%; margin-top: -15vp; } 3、 .container{ flex-direction: column; overflow:
10 10.0 GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 1536M Cores: 8 Registry: external.system.auto.import.disabled=true ```
attributes. For exapmle, after transposing A, A's shape (m,n) may be (n,m). This case may need developers's specific lambda function
两个程序启动时初始值 VIRT为 90多M,RES 为4M多 经过一段时间的使用后,tserver的VIRT变成 390多M,RES为5M多; tlocal的VIRT仍然保持在90度M,RES为4M多。 需要分析是否存在内存泄露。

