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getScreenSize(); double w = screenSize.getWidth(); //2.获取右上角 int left = (int)(w-this.getWidth()); int top = 10; //3.设置位置 this.setLocation(left
![输入图片说明](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2021/0803/170433_3a19c6aa_9125308.png "微信图片_20210803170415.png")
getScreenSize(); double w=screenSize.getHeight(); double l=screenSize.getWidth(); int left=(int) (l-this.getWidth()); int top=5; //设置位置 this
Related log / screenshot 1. 执行日志 ``` 2020-11-26 17:14:38.253879: W tf_adapter/util/infershape_util.cc:326] The shape of node grad
com/2021/01/05/335c001a36f7a.jpg", "url": "https://blog.mhuig.top/", "avatar": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mhg@latest", "description":
getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); double w=screenSize.getWidth(); //2.获取右上角位置 int left =(int )(w-this.getWidth()); //3.设置位置 this.setLocation(left
net/gh/kelecn/images@master/myblog.png", "url": "https://kelecn.top", "avatar": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/kelecn/images@master/%E6%82%9F%E7%A9%BA
//两个物体上下左右的位置 var left1 = obj1.x; var right1 = obj1.x + obj1.w; //对象1可检测的x坐标跨度区间 var top1 = obj1.y; var bottom1 = obj1.y + obj1.h; //对象1可检测的y坐标跨度区间
+mksession +persistent_undo +signs +termguicolors +virtualedit -xpm_w32 ++builtin_terms +cscope -farsi +jumplist +modify_fname +popupwin
13:17:50.690 598 948 W 01510/IPCObjectProxy: : handle = 135 call OnRemoteDied 05-11 13:17:50.690 193 1859 W 01510/IPCObjectProxy:

