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观察系统动态进程的命令是() A.free B.top C.lastcomm D.df 13.如果执行命令,chmod 746 file.txt ,那么该文件的权限是() A.rwxr—rw- B.rw-rrC.—xr—rwx D.rwxr—r— 14.找出当前目录以及其子目录所有扩展名为”
Party ,报名表见:[2021飞桨黑客松 48H Coding Party 报名表](https://www.wjx.top/vj/e0QwYmQ.aspx?udsid=621460),感谢大家对飞桨的支持~ ## 任务目录 - PaddlePaddle
R10=0x0000000000000042, R11=0x00000000714a6a1c R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x0000022920f1bf30, R14=0x00000046a99fb7e8, R15=0x000002297cd3f800
0x0000000083c00000, 0x0000000083c00000|100%|HS| |TAMS 0x0000000083b00000, 0x0000000083b00000| Complete | 4|0x0000000083c00000, 0x0000000083d00000
pre_commit_dummy_package.egg-info/PKG-INFO writing top-level names to pre_commit_dummy_package.egg-info/top_level.txt writing dependency_links
Service Log]2021-01-08 03:19:30,841 - INFO - Rank table file (C7x) [Modelarts Service Log]2021-01-08 03:19:30,841 - INFO - { "status":
height-r) || y < r ? -1*vy : vy; vx = x >= (mycanvas.width-r) || x < r ? -1*vx : vx; //不要告诉我说看不懂 x += vx; y += vy; ball(x,y,r); getFPS();
screenshot / 日志 / 截图 (Mandatory / 必填) top -H看到的情况: 如下线程占用100% ``` 19308 root 20 0 3187452 39340 0 R 99.9 1.0 98:59.94 ActorThread_1 ```
Environment / 软件环境 (Mandatory / 必填)**: -- MindSpore version (e.g.,r1.6 commit_id=xxxx) : 1.6.1 -- Python version (e.g., Python 3.7
{'dataset': 'choose which dataset', 'datapath': 'minddata path', 'Ks': 'top K', 'workers': 'number of process to generate data', 'ckptpath':
size=size@entry=16, file=file@entry=0x562c674c05c7 "extension.cpp", line=line@entry=2911) at mcxt.cpp:1282 #4 0x0000562c62a812bb in RepallocSess

