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Quic.NET is a .NET binding library of MsQuic from .NET runtime back-ported to .NET 6.
C# 1 0 0 更新于 2022-06-13
.net系统前端 .net系统前端
1 0 0 更新于 2023-05-16
U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation
Python 1 0 0 更新于 2021-01-12
.NET Standard bindings for Google's TensorFlow for developing, training and deploying Machine Learning models in C#.
C# 1 0 0 更新于 2021-03-29
这时从GitHub上克隆而来的 net-tools 的源码,方便国内访问。
C 1 0 0 更新于 2023-08-12
1 0 0 更新于 2023-10-30
asp.net core
1 0 0 更新于 2022-12-24
Dot net作业
C# 1 0 0 更新于 2023-12-09
PRA-Net: Point Relation-Aware Network for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
Python 1 0 0 更新于 2021-12-13
1 1 0 更新于 2024-05-05
tensorflow 论文复现 RandLA-Net: Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds (CVPR 2020)
2 0 1 更新于 2021-09-08

