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1 0 0 更新于 2023-06-20
uber_go_guide_cn 镜像
1 0 0 更新于 2022-09-27
C# 1 0 0 更新于 2020-12-24
The FreeCodeCamp.cn(FCC China) open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
CSS 1 0 0 更新于 2020-12-19
The FreeCodeCamp.cn(FCC China) open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
CSS 1 0 0 更新于 2020-12-19
Mirror of https://huggingface.co/datasets/BelleGroup/train_2M_CN
1 0 0 更新于 2023-10-31
Mirror of https://huggingface.co/datasets/BelleGroup/train_1M_CN
1 0 0 更新于 2023-10-31
Vue.js 3 中文文档 from github: https://github.com/vuejs/docs-next-zh-cn.git
1 0 1 更新于 2022-04-25
OpenGL 在线学习代码 https://github.com/LearnOpenGL-CN/learnopengl-cn.github.io.git
C++ 1 0 0 更新于 2021-11-19
tar1090-cn是基于tar1090的中文版本。 tar1090是ADS-B解码器readsb或dump1090-fa的数据可视化网页接口
1 0 0 更新于 2023-02-26

