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ox_lite_server_mask" r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) # 打印预测结果 print(r.json()["results"]) 但是
to reproduce the issue 1. enter https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorials/zh-CN/r1.5/dataset.html 2. run tutorial online. ## Describe the
[输入图片说明](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2022/0322/104339_b3b3f081_6510899.png "2022-03-22 10-23-25 的屏幕截图.png") ### Special notes
Environment**: -- MindSpore version (source or binary): r1.5 commit_id = 7f5f3452cb19d465c47219411a0ddf05c1e6e133 -- Python version
version (source or binary):r1.5 2021/10/30 __commit_id__ = ''[sha1]:cf7c49eb,[branch]:(HEAD,origin/r1.5,r1.5)'' -- Python version
**json文本** ,异常情况的返回数据; ``` " u001f ufffd b u0000 u0000 u0000 u0000 u0000 u0000 u0003dTK ufffd ufffd0 f ufffd ufffd ufffdi! ufffd ufffd
> > /kind bug **What happened**: V500R002C00 build c46876b1 这个版本上,有三个cn,在其中一个cn上模拟等锁, 一个cn上开启3个会话窗口, 第一个窗口: 新建一个表: create table
here](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2021/0719/094446_f1b245b8_6510899.png "2021-07-19 09-44-13 的屏幕截图.png") ![enter image
必填)**: -- MindSpore version (e.g.,r1.6 commit_id=xxxx) : master commit_id = d12446c5381c7220b89f0a75752f148c09ac8ad5 -- Python version
MindSpore version (e.g.,r1.6 commit_id=xxxx) : master commit_id = 4aa82cc21e1476d226abe20f796e16aef5c57f2d -- Python version (e

