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aster_Version-OpenHarmony_3.1.5.1-20220220_120021-dayu200.tar.gz 【预置条件】: 系统版本刷新准备完毕 【测试步骤】: 1、安装JSCanvas hap包并打开 2、点击“水平对齐”按钮
$ python mindspore_optimization.py 1.5 The cifar-10-binary.tar.gz file is downloaded and saved in the path ./datasets after processing
--help 2.执行不支持的top 命令, toybox top -H; toybox top -k; toybox top -o; toybox top -O; toybox top -s; toybox top -b; toybox top -d; toybox
aster_Version-OpenHarmony_3.1.5.3-20220304_152415-dayu200.tar.gz - 测试环境 win10 PC + RK3568 - 其他 **【预置条件】:** 1、版本烧写成功 2、安装hap包,链接到测试设备
'gt', 'RPN_NMS_THRESH': 0.7, 'RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N': 300, 'RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N': 6000, 'RPN_TOP_N': 5000, 'SCALES': [600], 'SVM': False}
yu200.tar.gz - 测试环境 RK3568 - 其他 **【预置条件】:** 1.烧写3.1.3.5版本 **【测试步骤】:** 创建一个自由窗口,width 360 ,height 640 ,left 360 ,top 640 **【预期结果】:**
openGauss-server-master.zip openGauss-third_party_binarylibs.tar.gz 【操作步骤】(请填写详细的操作步骤): --step1:编译安装数据库 - unzip openGauss-server-master
src/xdevice.egg-info/entry_points.txt writing top-level names to src/xdevice.egg-info/top_level.txt reading manifest file 'src/xdevice
mony_3.1.2.5-20211229_235027-dayu200_OpenHarmony-3.1-Beta.tar.gz 问题:【OpenHarmony_3.1.2.5_3.1beta分支】标准系统_3568_执行xts测试套ActsAppda
Rocket Chip on the FPGA and run applications on it. The rough top-down stack is shown below: - **Target Application** This is a
012/version-Daily_Version-dayu200-20211229_010012-dayu200.tar.gz 问题:【master】执行xts测试套ActsUpdateJsTest报ark异常调用栈问题,影响社区流水线稳定性测试 05-11

