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大量动态shape报错,参考之前别人提的issue,已经把reshape(-1)这种直接动态推理维度的部分修改,也参考哈工大同学提的Top_k的问题和解决方法,减少了很多报错。目前还有大量找不到原因的unknown shape。请问,能不能帮我看看具体原因是什么?
silu 运行超慢 整个网络完结到达 1s多 layer { name: "conv1" type: "Convolution" #bottom: "yolov5_blob" bottom: "blob1" top: "conv_blob1" convolution_param
teacher_forcing_ratio # get the highest predicted token from our predictions top1 = output.argmax(1) # if teacher forcing, use actual next token
parameter_map["auto_tune_mode"].s = tf.compat.as_bytes("RL,GA") custom_op.parameter_map["precision_mode"].s = tf.compat.as_bytes("allow_mix_precision")
## Customer's Demands on Product/Solution ## Gaps to Fill on Product/Solution - Preliminary Discussion - Acceptance Standards #
ile_mode"].b = True custom_op.parameter_map["precision_mode"].s = tf.compat.as_bytes("allow_mix_precision") sess_config.graph_options
from net_s3fd import s3fd import torch path_to_detector = 's3fd.pth' model_weights = torch.load(path_to_detector) model = s3fd() model
一、问题现象(附报错日志上下文): npu-smi info在所有卡上面的显存占用和gpu占用率在启动模型前后没有显著变化,使用top命令可以看到该模型的python命令占用一个cpu的核心100%,训练速度非常慢 目前不知道怎么把代码设置放到GPU上面跑 二、软件版本:
shown below; layer { bottom: "layer16-conv" top: "yolo1_coords" top: "yolo1_obj" top: "yolo1_classes" name: "yolo1" type: "Yolo"
pooling layer top_model = base_model.output top_model = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(top_model) # or just flatten the layers # top_model =

