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when running a new top cell 140105765123184_(5)Tensor[Float32]_(5)Tensor[Float32] E E # /root/miniconda3/envs/ci3.7/lib/python3.7
--help 2.执行不支持的top 命令, toybox top -H; toybox top -k; toybox top -o; toybox top -O; toybox top -s; toybox top -b; toybox top -d; toybox
.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/21297): Demo CI as any other project build on top of Paddle should link to PaddlePaddle only and
-v的相关帮助信息; 2.top --help中没有帮助信息,ps同top; 3.chmod --help有—R的参考信息,因为chmod -R不支持,建议删掉help的相关信息; 【日志】: OHOS:/$ top --help usage: top OHOS:/$
result: {'top_5_accuracy': 0.9983974358974359, 'top_1_accuracy': 0.9532251602564102} ckpt= /ssd/gyy/wisdom_models_PR_CI/resnetv2
,height 640 ,left 360 ,top 640,应用卡死,创建的自由窗口也没有显示出来 **【环境信息】:** - 网络环境 - 硬件开发板型号 - 软件版本信息或tag节点 http://download.ci.openharmony.cn/ve
sues/19505): ### CI log - test_slim_int8_googlenet ``` [21:44:36]2019-08-27 21:44:34,027-INFO: FP32: avg top1 accuracy: 0.7200
UpdateForwardTensorInfoInBpropGraph] The cell stack is empty when running a new top cell 140319604890704_(32, 3, 224, 224)Tensor[Float32]_(32, 12)Tensor[Float32]
http://ci.openharmony.cn/dailybuilds 1.1.541 版本 测试环境 3516 taurus 其他 【预置条件】: 1.刷每日构建1.1.541 ; 【测试步骤】: 1.kill -s 9 10 后top查看10号进程;
使用脚本./multi-qemu启动多台虚拟机并行编译job任务 ### 发生结果: 1,虚拟机启动出现阻塞,一直显示启动中 2,top命令查看qemu-kvm虚拟机进程,多台虚拟机cpu高达200% 2112813 wangyong 25 5 8976640
chunk found (child not started ?) # top TEST ./tests/v00003.vtc TIMED OUT (kill -9) # top TEST ./tests/v00003.vtc FAILED (60.065)

