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【测试步骤】: 1.unam --help; 2.top --help; 3.chmod --help; 【预期结果】: 1.unam --help帮助信息有-r -v的相关帮助信息; 2.top --help中有top -a的相关帮助信息; 3.chmod --help中没有—R的参考信息;
internal benchmark test for INT8 v1 and INT8 v2 solution, on mobilenet-v1, batch size =128, INT8 v2 got about 14% performance regression
配置请求的根路径 axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
"conv_blob1" top: "sigmoid_blob1" } layer { name: "mul1" type: "Eltwise" bottom: "conv_blob1" bottom: "sigmoid_blob1" top: "mul_blob1"
链接1:https://v6.thinkadmin.top/admin.html#/data/base.config/sliderhome.html?spm=m-1-2-4 链接2:https://v6.thinkadmin.top/admin.html#/data/news
7 +6,7 @@ # TOP_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"/../../ && pwd)" -. "$TOP_DIR/tools/docker/config" $* >/dev/null +. "$TOP_DIR"/tools/docker/config
configuration for the Tesla V100 server:** - CPU: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz - GPU: 8 x Tesla Tesla V100 PCIE 32GB - RAM: 329
(https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/14074) we get top1 accuracy 70.43 % (on CPU, batchsize 50, without optimizations
storage_img_create(image_id, top_layer_id, NULL, &opts); 700 if (ret != 0) { //在storage_get_img_top_layer()中从全局map中search出该变量img,use
sys 0.052084) * top TEST ./tests/v00041.vtc FAILED # top TEST ./tests/v00041.vtc FAILED (9.384) exit=2 FAIL tests/v00041.vtc (exit
*** v1 vsl|No VSL chunk found (child not started ?) # top TEST ./tests/v00003.vtc TIMED OUT (kill -9) # top TEST ./tests/v00003

