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to solve - Attach the relevant issue if have handle pc-lint and codedex for r1.2 ops info ## Introduction - Describe the general
fix pc-lint and codedex for r1.2 ops info ## Introduction - Describe the general solution, design and/or pseudo-code fix pc-lint
STKALIGN; R[0] = MemA[frameptr,4]; R[1] = MemA[frameptr+0x4,4]; R[2] = MemA[frameptr+0x8,4]; R[3] = MemA[frameptr+0xC,4]; R[12] = MemA[frameptr+0x10
### 1. 现象描述 编译过程中出现relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against `*ABS* ![输入图片说明](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images
`stderr' causes overflow in R_X86_64_PC32 relocation Symbol `stdout' causes overflow in R_X86_64_PC32 relocation golang版本1.15.15,
= 0x0 R0 = 0x0 R1 = 0x1010101 R2 = 0x2020202 R3 = 0x3030303 R4 = 0xcacacaca R5 = 0x4040404 R6 = 0x5050505 R7 = 0x6060606 R8 = 0x7070707
Registers: r0:dbcd6430 r1:00000002 r2:dae8dea1 r3:00000003 r4:dbcd6430 r5:ef116524 r6:041d3e8c r7:00000000 r8:f79662f8 r9:ef116560
Name:hilogd r0:0000001f r1:0000001f r2:00000000 r3:00000000 r4:fff5beb4 r5:f779d3c0 r6:f7781594 r7:ab768ce0 r8:0000000c r9:ab768d2c
dump: PC = 0x0 LR = 0x0 SP = 0x20001020 R0 = 0x0 R1 = 0x0 R2 = 0x0 R3 = 0x0 R4 = 0xe000e280 R5 = 0x7ffffff R6 = 0x17799d R7 = 0x0
Name:distributeddata r0:b6a8c358 r1:00000000 r2:00000000 r3:00000000 r4:b6a8c350 r5:b5d41ad0 r6:00000000 r7:b6fae7e4 r8:b6fae7e4 r9:b6d484d0

